
What Are The Different Types Of Singing Voices?

As a vocal coach, students and singers alike always ask me: "How many notes can I sing?" or "What is the range of my voice?" What they are actually asking is: "What is my Voice Type?" What is a Voice Type? A  voice type  is a group of voices with close  vocal ranges , capable of singing in a similar tessitura , and have similar passaggio . To make it simpler, a voice type gathers voices that can reach the same notes (highs and lows) and have the same comfortable singing zone and vocal transition points . So, voices who can sing the same notes and sound almost similar will be categorized in the same voice type! How many Voice Types exist? There are 6 common voice types:      3  Male Voice Types Bass                      the lowest singing range Baritone               the second lowest singing range Tenor                    the highest singing range of male voices    3  Female Voice Types Alto                       the lowest singing range of female voices

Where does my voice come from?

As professional or amateur voice users, it is important to understand how the voice is created. The tricky part of voice production is: the muscles and organs used to speak/sing are not visible to the naked eye, making it hard for us to understand what actually is happening inside our body when we speak. What many don't know is there are three systems that work together to create our voice: 1. Respiratory System , or what I call  “breath support”, contains: the lungs, ribcage, chest muscles, diaphragm, and the windpipe. 2. Phonatory System ,  or what I call  "voice box" or  larynx, where sound is produced, contains, specifically, the vocal cords/folds which are technically located within the larynx. 3. Resonance System ,  or what I call  “vocal tract”, contains: the throat, mouth, sinuses and the nasal passages. System 1: "Breath Support" As mentioned above, the breath support comes from our respiratory system. To make it simple, we produce sound through our bre